NAME String::IRC - add color codes for mIRC compatible client SYNOPSIS use String::IRC; my $si1 = String::IRC->new('hello'); $si1->red->underline; my $si2 = String::IRC->new('world')->yellow('green')->bold; my $msg = "$si1, $si2!"; DESCRIPTION String::IRC can be used to add color or decoration code to string. METHODS new $si = String::IRC->new('I love YAKINIKU.'); This method constructs a new "String::IRC" instance and returns it. COLOR $si->COLOR([BG_COLOR]); Add color code and return String::IRC object. BG_COLOR is optional. Available COLOR and BC_COLOR are as follows. white black blue navy green red brown maroon purple orange olive yellow light_green lime teal light_cyan cyan aqua light_blue royal pink light_purple fuchsia grey light_grey silver bold $si->bold; Add bold code and return String::IRC object. underline $si->underline; Add underline code and return String::IRC object. inverse $si->inverse; Add inverse code and return String::IRC object. stringify $si->stringify; Return string which is added color or decoration code. String::IRC calls this method implicitly by context. You may call it explicitly. AUTHOR HIROSE Masaaki REPOSITORY git clone patches and collaborators are welcome. SEE ALSO COPYRIGHT Copyright HIROSE Masaaki LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.